Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Not for the Faint of Heart

The following two entries are not for the faint of heart, so flee now if you have issues with disease or dead mice. For the brave among you, read on....

Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

Hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) is a common viral illness of infants and children. The disease usually begins with a fever, poor appetite, malaise (feeling vaguely unwell), and often with a sore throat. One or 2 days after fever onset, painful sores usually develop in the mouth. They begin as small red spots that blister and then often become ulcers. The sores are usually located on the tongue, gums, and inside of the cheeks. A non-itchy skin rash develops over 1 to 2 days. The rash has flat or raised red spots, sometimes with blisters. The rash is usually located on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. HFMD is caused by viruses that belong to the enterovirus genus (group). This group of viruses includes polioviruses, coxsackieviruses, echoviruses, and enteroviruses. (CDC)

Daniel's run-in with HFMD commenced on September 16, 2009 and had mostly run it's course by September 20, 2009.

The Gift Giver

Our cat Mira loves to bring us gifts -- little dead mouse gifts. Even though I praise her profusely, I truly do not like her gifts. I am dependent upon Will to dispose of the gifts, which he does with his mouse scooper tool! Unfortunately, I have to wait for Will to come home from work to deal with the gifts!

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Will called me a nerd when I told him that as a student I loved homework. Well, he can call me any name he wants, but I'm not backing down! I LOVE homework! Earlier in the week, Abby's teacher sent an email saying that homework would be sent home on Friday. I'm not ashamed to admit that ALL week I've been anxiously awaiting Friday to see the homework assignments!!! Abby fussed at me a bit and told me that it was homework for the children and parents were only allowed to help. Drat! Oh, well! Helping is better than nothing! Right?

I of course thought she/we should start the homework yesterday, but she refused, saying, "We have all week to work on it! I need a rest."

Well, one can only be patient so long, so I insisted she (we) start the homework tonight. Abby did really well and even said, "I can't wait for the next day of school! I like homework!" That's my girl!!!!!

P.S. The next post will very likely be about the pure joys of the Scholastic book order form which also came home in Friday's book bag. Oh, first grade is really fun!!!

P.S.S Abby insisted on "eating" school lunches all week and appears determined to eat them next week as well. She told me she is experimenting with school lunch and she told my sister Lisa (Tonto) that she might as well give it a try because she has "nothing to lose!" She even ate two green beans on Friday!!!!!!  (For those of you not in the know, Abby never allows a vegetable to clear her lips unless she is under total duress!)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Day of School for Abby and Daniel

Abby started first grade today and Daniel started at his new nursery school. Abby has been "freaking out" (her words) for the last week or so. She has been so stressed out about changing schools.

Noni and Granddad joined us for breakfast and the school drop offs.

Abby was so nervous, but she put on a brave face and when the time came, she marched into school with her classmates.

I stopped by Daniel's school during his lunch and was pleased to see him doing very well. He was sitting at a little table eating chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans and peaches. Each time he picked up a green bean, he growled at it before popping it into his mouth. He does have a great sense of humor!

As I waited for Abby after school, I was nervous and curious to see how her day had gone. She came out with a determined walk and immediately started telling me about her day. She was excited to be able to check a book out from the school library and kept telling me that she gets to keep it "for two whole weeks!" I asked Abby about the hot lunch she insisted on trying today and she made a face, but she said she wants to experiment again tomorrow and give the school meals another try!
Waiting with me was Abby's best friend Olivia from her Montessori school. (Olivia's sister is in second grade at Abby's new school.) Abby was delighted to see her and the two friends sat down and looked at Abby's new library book.

Another old friend from Montessori called Abby tonight to see how her first day went. He said, "I heard you were kind of nervous." She said, "Yeah!" He told her he was kind of nervous today as well.

And what a sigh I have sighed tonight! I hope tomorrow goes as smoothly!