Today was Abby's school's science fair. The science fair is mandatory for the fourth and fifth graders, but optional for the younger students. Abby chose to participate. Her experiment focused on finding a good way to clean birds' feathers that have been covered in oil in an oil spill.
Abby made her oil spill (vegetable oil mixed with cocoa to represent crude oil).

She tried to clean the feather. She tested water (this picture), rubbing alcohol, scrubbing the feather with a tooth brush, no-tear shampoo and Dawn dish washing liquid.

Abby's hypothesis was that the no-tear shampoo would work the best, but her two separate experiments proved that Dawn dish-washing liquid was the most effective in cleaning the oil from the feathers.

And today Abby took her research to school. She received a certificate signed by her principal, the green ribbon in this photo and a cool shiny pencil that says SCIENCE WHIZ! Her evaluator's Comments said, "Very nice project about an important problem. I enjoyed your explanation and the display."

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