Tonight I was sitting in the living room with Will thinking that I should probably come up with something to post on the blog when Abby came running into the living room! She was so excited and speaking as fast as she could said, "I think my tooth fell out!" We looked and sure enough, THAT DARN TOOTH finally fell out.

I'd been trying for weeks to pull THAT TOOTH. We tied string around it and a doorknob. It didn't work. We tied string around it and attached the other end to Daphne (I think that was Noni's idea). It didn't work. I tried tweezers, pliers and this handy dandy suture remover. None of these worked. Abby rocked THAT TOOTH back and forth with her finger, but it refused to come out!
Abby's new smile is pretty cute. Her permanent tooth is already coming in and can be seen behind the hole where THAT TOOTH resided.
My difficulty with THAT TOOTH is really not that surprising given that it is basically the size of a grain of rice.

By now I'm sure you are wondering why THAT TOOTH finally fell out. Well, your wait is over! THAT TOOTH fell out while Abby was brushing her teeth. It actually got stuck in the toothbrush and she had to hammer it against the counter to get the tooth.

Abby was so excited she called her Grandma and Grandpa
Engelhardt, Noni and Granddad, and Tonto to share the exciting news. Grandma
Engelhardt warned her to keep her tongue out of the hole where THAT TOOTH was. She explained that that would cause the new tooth to come in gold. Abby assured her that the new tooth was white. Grandpa
Engelhardt said he would match whatever the tooth fairy left under Abby's pillow. However, he did say he would take that back if the tooth fairy left a one hundred dollar bill under the pillow!

She tucked THAT TOOTH in a pretty little bag we bought in Korea...

...patted the bag for safe keeping...

...dropped the pillow onto the tooth...

...and announced that sleeping on THAT TOOTH felt "a little lumpy!"

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