Monday, June 22, 2009


Tonight I was sitting in the living room with Will thinking that I should probably come up with something to post on the blog when Abby came running into the living room! She was so excited and speaking as fast as she could said, "I think my tooth fell out!" We looked and sure enough, THAT DARN TOOTH finally fell out.
I'd been trying for weeks to pull THAT TOOTH. We tied string around it and a doorknob. It didn't work. We tied string around it and attached the other end to Daphne (I think that was Noni's idea). It didn't work. I tried tweezers, pliers and this handy dandy suture remover. None of these worked. Abby rocked THAT TOOTH back and forth with her finger, but it refused to come out!

Abby's new smile is pretty cute. Her permanent tooth is already coming in and can be seen behind the hole where THAT TOOTH resided.
My difficulty with THAT TOOTH is really not that surprising given that it is basically the size of a grain of rice.
By now I'm sure you are wondering why THAT TOOTH finally fell out. Well, your wait is over! THAT TOOTH fell out while Abby was brushing her teeth. It actually got stuck in the toothbrush and she had to hammer it against the counter to get the tooth.
Abby was so excited she called her Grandma and Grandpa Engelhardt, Noni and Granddad, and Tonto to share the exciting news. Grandma Engelhardt warned her to keep her tongue out of the hole where THAT TOOTH was. She explained that that would cause the new tooth to come in gold. Abby assured her that the new tooth was white. Grandpa Engelhardt said he would match whatever the tooth fairy left under Abby's pillow. However, he did say he would take that back if the tooth fairy left a one hundred dollar bill under the pillow!She tucked THAT TOOTH in a pretty little bag we bought in Korea...
...patted the bag for safe keeping...
...dropped the pillow onto the tooth...
...and announced that sleeping on THAT TOOTH felt "a little lumpy!"

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Chronicles of Narnia

Abby just came up to tell me that she and Will have finished reading the Chronicles of Narnia. She had been crying, so I asked her if the book was sad. She said it was a happy/sad ending. She asked Will if they could go through each book and discuss what happened.

Initially, Will wasn't certain Abby was old enough for the series. But she loved the books. And now Will continues to be amazed at how much of the stories Abby remembers!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Turning One Has Its Downside

Poor Daniel had to have four shots today! He was indignant!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Doljabi

Yesterday's dol (first birthday celebration) was great fun! I said a prayer for Daniel and we then performed the doljabi. A ceremony that is said to determine the future of the baby. Abby helped explain the traditions and symbols to our guests. She was so great!!

Will showed Daniel various items and encouraged him to pick up two.

Daniel's options were:
a book -- scholar
string -- a long life
money -- wealth
calligraphy brush -- artist
baseball -- athlete

The first four options are traditional. I substituted the baseball for a bow and arrow -- I didn't want Daniel to pick the fate of being a great military leader.

Daniel's first choice was the string -- a long life!

And as much as Will hoped that Daniel would pick up that baseball...

...Daniel instead chose the calligraphy brush -- an artist.

The table was decorated with fruit, candy towers and the screen of Korean kings.

After the doljabi we ate bulgogi (Korean beef dish made by the vegetarian) and kimchi. And as he has done for each of Abby's five birthdays, Will made Daniel's first birthday cake!

And without doubt, our long-lived artist birthday boy had a great day!

(Daniel's hanbok is really big on him! Hanboks are expensive, so it is common for the one-year olds to wear a size two -- that way it will fit next year too!)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Daniel's Dol

Today we had Daniel's dol -- first birthday celebration. Dols are huge events in Korea and we attempted to celebrate in a traditional Korean fashion. Daniel wore his hanbok that his foster mom gave to him. I'll post more photos with additional information tomorrow! (I'm wiped out!)

Friday, June 12, 2009

Daniel is ONE!

Today is Daniel's first birthday. Will and I took the day off from work and we spent the day in Minneapolis (and St. Paul). We started the day at Children's Home Society and Family Services for our three month check in with our adoption social worker. (Double click on the above photo to enlarge it and see Daniel's squished up nose smile. It's his latest cute trick!)

We then had lunch at a Korean restaurant. Daniel ate kimchi pancakes, bulgogi, and bibimbap. He LOVED it!! Abby -- not so much!

We then spent the afternoon at the Minnesota Zoo. Abby of course LOVED that and Daniel really enjoyed it as well. His favorite animals seemed to be the otters, grizzly bear, Amur tiger and the goats (yes, the Minnesota Zoo has goats)!

But Daniel's favorite zoo activity was patting Abby on the head -- over and over again!

Our party for Daniel is tomorrow, so instead of cake, Abby and Daniel had ice cream. And because she is Abby, she wore much of the ice cream on her face!

But alas, turning one is really hard work and when you have your favorite pacifier and you're snuggled with your super snuggler, you've just got to give it up!


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Take a Good Look...

...because the next time you see Daniel, he's going to be ONE!!!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Abby's Last Day of School

Today was Abby's last day of school (her kindergarten year, but at a Montessori school). Next year she'll be changing schools. I felt a bit emotional all day! My little girl is growing up!!

Monday, June 8, 2009


Daniel is starting to talk a lot. When he came home to us, he said "Eomma" -- the Korean word for mother. He now says:

Dada (and sometimes Papa)
Nuna (Korean word for older sister to a boy -- Korean is rather specific)
baba -- bottle
bow-wow-wow (when asked what his puppy says)
done (when he is finished eating) -- it sounds like dah
Daphne (he says her name when he sees her in the morning and he calls to her at meal time.) -- it sounds like da (with a soft "a" sound)
pie -- (We've had a few pieces of pie in the last three months and we like to say, Piiiiiiiiiiie!)

Tonight as we were eating dinner, Daniel leaned to the side of his highchair, called "Da" and Daphne ran over and ate the ham right out of Daniel's hand. They both were rather pleased with one another and we were most impressed with Daniel (not so much with Daphne)!

I can tell when Daniel is trying to learn a new word. He looks at my mouth to see how I say the word. I say it several times, exaggerating the sounds. He then tries to shape his own lips and mouth to say the word. Sometimes it is a sound he can get and other times (like tonight with the word zipper) it is a sound that he is unable to say. It's pretty impressive and cute!


Will loves dancing with his children and his children (and his dog) love dancing with him!

The Foot Song

Abby likes to sing and recently she likes to make up songs. Tonight she sang Daniel a song called, "The Foot Song." Daniel enjoyed playing with her toes (Abby thought that was great) and Will helped Daniel do the foot dance as Abby led and sang.

Gravity Game

Daniel is quickly outgrowing his exersaucer. Today I caught him attempting to retrieve a toy he had deliberately thrown over the side.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Ba Ba (Translation = Bottle)

It's very important to Daniel to make his needs known and to express his opinions. He shakes his head adamantly when he is full and is offered another spoonful. And his latest trick is to ask for a bottle when he is hungry/thirsty.

He looks to one of us (normally me) and with great authority says, "Ba ba!" We of course obey and make him a bottle. He shows gratitude by smiling/giggling and kicking his feet!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Lights Out Abby

Will and Abby are currently reading book #6 of the Chronicles of Narnia -- the Silver Chair. After Will finishes reading a chapter or two, he tells Abby goodnight and turns out the lights. A few minutes later, she turns her lamp on and looks at the pictures in the book. She is determined to learn what is going to happen next in the book.

Abby's Love

Tonight as we were driving home from school, Abby informed me that she loves animals more than she loves me. She said that she just felt that animals in nature need to be taken care of and that she felt like she should do it.

Well, when I asked if she really loved animals more than me she said (in her very serious voice), "Yes, I really do."

I promptly informed her that I am after all a member of the great ape family and love being in nature and should therefore be as loved by her as any other animal.

She responded that she loved me, but not as much and that I'm really not an animal in nature because I don't walk on four legs.

I argued that I could certainly crawl around on my hands and knees, but she just wouldn't buy it!

So, alas, I am forced to settle for second-rate love from Abby.

Lucky animals in nature, poor Mama! (But, I'm sticking with the fact that I am a great ape.)