Saturday, April 11, 2009

Oh to be a Stott on a Beautiful Spring Day

We drove to Decorah last night and Daniel got to have his first sleepover at Grandma and Grandpa Engelhardt's. This meant Will and Lynette got to go to a movie (Fast and Furious) and eat too much popcorn! Woo Hoo!

And as if that wasn't enough to make a great weekend, this morning started off on a perfect note when Grandma and Grandpa Engelhardt got up with Abby and Daniel and Will and Lynette got to sleep in!! Woo Hoo!

Will and I took Abby fossil hunting for a couple hours while Daniel was spoiled by Grandma and Grandpa. We found some really great Ordovician fossils -- marine life that lived more than 200 million years BEFORE dinosaurs walked the earth! HOW COOL IS THAT?

(This is what happens when you hang your camera from a tree branch thinking you are a very clever person.)

Abby brought along her important fossil hunting tools like protective eye gear, hammer and dust brush.

Abby found the best fossil of the day -- a large three-dimensional crinoid stem (we think).

Daphne made a friend (Cider) and got so tuckered out helping us search for fossils that she could barely move the rest of the day (this is a major victory for English Springer Spaniel owners and must be taken very seriously!)

The dogs were lucky enough to find a patch of snow to quench their thirst!

Daniel was pleased to see the return of his sister!

And even though all of that would have made for a great day, this afternoon we saw an eagle and an eagle's nest with an eagle in it.

And on the drive home, Daniel and Daphne both finally gave up the ghost!

Abby enjoyed being the older sister tonight because she got to stay up "really, really late" unlike Daniel who goes to bed at 7:30 PM on the dot!
Will and Abby colored eggs.

A Happy Easter to you!

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