Wednesday, April 29, 2009


We call this the SUPER SWADDLE. Daniel loves being snuggly and refuses to nap or go to sleep at night without this SUPER SWADDLE! The child can be crying out of pure exhaustion and all you have to do is spread the SUPER SWADDLE out on the floor and lay him down on it in preparation for the swaddling. He immediately relaxes and grins! It makes me smile every nap time and every bedtime! (The SUPER SWADDLE was made and given to Daniel by Will's colleague Cheryl.)

Abby's Very First Computer

Will and I decided to give Abby our old laptop. I set it up in her room on her desk and put a bow on it. We called her down to her room and told her we had a surprise for her. She was so excited and declared, "This is the best surprise EVER!"

And luckily Daniel didn't feel slighted in the least. He was happy to find a plate to play with!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Arlen Specter

Will just called to share the exciting news about Senator Specter FINALLY coming to his senses and switching parties!! Woo Hoo!!!!

I was in Specter's office years ago waiting to meet with a staffer. Former Senator Bob Dole walked in and I started talking to him. I told him about the food stamp restoration I was working on. He asked if Specter was on the legislation and I said no. Specter walked out (he was to have lunch with Dole) and Dole turned to him immediately and scolded him for not being on the legislation. Specter grumbled (he's a very grumbly, grumpy man) and Dole scolded him some more. It wasn't long after that, though, that Specter signed on to the bill!

Specter is cut from that same old, thoughtful Republican cloth as Dole, but it's regrettable that it's been years since the Republicans resembled that version of the party. (Can cloth be thoughtful?)


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Smiles and Stories

It typically starts with a smile and then a story is shared.

The goldsmith who Will commissioned to design a ring for me in honor of Daniel's adoption was so excited to work with us because she has a brother who was adopted from Korea.

Abby's swimming teacher saw Daniel and smiled and smiled and told us about her ten-year-old sister who was adopted from Korea.

At a birthday party for one of Abby's classmates yesterday, the birthday girl's mom asked me about Daniel and told me about her brother and sister who were adopted from Korea eighteen and twenty years ago.

During dinner last night in Minneapolis, I noticed the smiles from the couple across the room. As we were getting ready to leave, they came over and introduced themselves and told us about their son who they adopted from Korea when he was four years old. She showed us his picture and said that he had recently graduated from college and is now in the Peace Corps.

And always, people turn to Abby and smile and say what a good big sister she must be!

We love it! We love celebrating Daniel and we love the smiles and stories of these families. I imagine in twenty years or so, I'm going to be walking across the room to smile at a baby and share my story of Daniel!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Reading and Vacuuming

Like his big sister, Daniel loves it when we read to him. We read for awhile and then I put Abby to work! I wonder if Daniel will like to vacuum?

Who's the Dog?

I love Daphne's expression in this photo!! After I took this photo, Abby said, "Daniel is perfect! We were just made for each other!"

Home Office

Abby stayed home from school today because she hasn't been feeling well. We all have colds and Abby is just run down. I had a lot of work I needed to do today, so I set the tripod up and gave Abby the remote control! She had fun and I got to focus!

Home Office

Some People Spend a Fortune on...

...fancy clothes and expensive shoes. We spend a fortune on tights and Band-Aids!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Born in North America

Today when I picked Abby up from school, her friends swarmed around Daniel. Abby is so proud of him and talks about him a lot at school. Her friends call him Daniel Min Jae.

Abby's friend Eric looked at Daniel and said, "I wish I had a little brother who was born in Korea." I responded, "But you have a great little brother and his name is Daniel too." Eric replied, "Yeah, but he was only born in North America."

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Oh to be a Stott on a Beautiful Spring Day

We drove to Decorah last night and Daniel got to have his first sleepover at Grandma and Grandpa Engelhardt's. This meant Will and Lynette got to go to a movie (Fast and Furious) and eat too much popcorn! Woo Hoo!

And as if that wasn't enough to make a great weekend, this morning started off on a perfect note when Grandma and Grandpa Engelhardt got up with Abby and Daniel and Will and Lynette got to sleep in!! Woo Hoo!

Will and I took Abby fossil hunting for a couple hours while Daniel was spoiled by Grandma and Grandpa. We found some really great Ordovician fossils -- marine life that lived more than 200 million years BEFORE dinosaurs walked the earth! HOW COOL IS THAT?

(This is what happens when you hang your camera from a tree branch thinking you are a very clever person.)

Abby brought along her important fossil hunting tools like protective eye gear, hammer and dust brush.

Abby found the best fossil of the day -- a large three-dimensional crinoid stem (we think).

Daphne made a friend (Cider) and got so tuckered out helping us search for fossils that she could barely move the rest of the day (this is a major victory for English Springer Spaniel owners and must be taken very seriously!)

The dogs were lucky enough to find a patch of snow to quench their thirst!

Daniel was pleased to see the return of his sister!

And even though all of that would have made for a great day, this afternoon we saw an eagle and an eagle's nest with an eagle in it.

And on the drive home, Daniel and Daphne both finally gave up the ghost!

Abby enjoyed being the older sister tonight because she got to stay up "really, really late" unlike Daniel who goes to bed at 7:30 PM on the dot!
Will and Abby colored eggs.

A Happy Easter to you!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Poor Daniel

Daniel wasn't amused with my lengthy attempt to get the perfect picture of him in his crib!
Poor Daniel Wishes His Mommy Would Stop Taking Pictures and Just Pick Him Up