Abby and Daniel's Sunday School Christmas program was this afternoon. Daniel was COMPLETELY uncooperative at yesterday's rehearsal, so we weren't entirely certain how it was going to go for him.
Abby was so pleased to learn yesterday that she would be an angel. (Yes, I must confess, there was a moment when I thought, "If only that were the case!!!)
We bribed Daniel with getting to watch garbage truck videos if he was a big boy and participated in the performance. (People actually like to make videos of garbage trucks and post them on You Tube).
Abby and Daniel seemed a bit nervous at first...
...but then seemed to settle in. Abby did a fine job reading her part about our synod's connections to Columbia.
She LOVED singing the songs.
Daniel (and those crazy Minnesotan Lutheran shepherds behind him) enjoyed singing Go Tell it on the Mountain.
When the performance was over, Abby and her fellow angels finally smiled!
And Daniel and Abby posed for a photo after eating cookies and candy canes.