Saturday, December 24, 2011

Treats for Santa and the Reindeer

Noni helped Abby and Daniel put treats out for Santa and the reindeer.

Abby placed the treats in a place that Max (Noni and G-Dad's dog) could not reach.

And luckily for Abby and Daniel, there were two cookies left for them to enjoy too!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Decorating the Tree

Noni left decorations for Daniel and Abby to put on the tree, including Daniel's special letter "D" decoration.

Flying the Friendly Skies

The next time you board an airplane, you might want to peek in the cockpit and see who is flying.

On our way to California, both pilots stepped out of the cockpit and let Abby and Daniel have a seat! (Don't panic, we hadn't pushed back from the terminal yet.)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Swim Meet

Abby is competing in an all-day swim meet. We had an adventure getting here this morning when I managed to do a beautiful donut (my first unplanned of my winter driving career). Abby was not impressed!

Abby's team swam in the first heat of the first event -- a mixed medley relay -- and won their heat. She was delighted!

I told Abby she needed a bigger arm or I needed to buy a smaller sharpie to write her events on her arm. (She thinks it is one of the coolest things to have your mom write on you with permanent marker.)

I love Abby's swim cap! I think she looks rather cute in it.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Abby and I made Will his birthday cake from scratch! Pretty impressive, if I do say so myself. It didn't turn out quite like we thought it would, but it was TASTY!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Happy Birthday, Will!!

Today Will turned forty. Happy Birthday, Will!

To celebrate, I mailed postcards numbered 1-40 to family and friends and asked them to write Will a message and drop the postcard in the mail.

The cards started arriving a few days ago. It took Will a few cards to catch on, but now he is really enjoying getting the mail in the evenings.

Many thanks to those of you who participated. If you didn't receive a card, it's most likely that I couldn't find your address (or I may simply not know you if you are some random person reading this blog)!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Hide and Seek

Daniel LOVES to play Hide and Seek. Every time he hides, he hides in the exact same spot and in clear view.

He always covers his eyes, though. And we make a big deal about looking for him and he giggles and giggles. It's pretty awesome!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Abby and Daniel's Sunday School Christmas Program

Abby and Daniel's Sunday School Christmas program was this afternoon. Daniel was COMPLETELY uncooperative at yesterday's rehearsal, so we weren't entirely certain how it was going to go for him.

Abby was so pleased to learn yesterday that she would be an angel. (Yes, I must confess, there was a moment when I thought, "If only that were the case!!!)

We bribed Daniel with getting to watch garbage truck videos if he was a big boy and participated in the performance. (People actually like to make videos of garbage trucks and post them on You Tube).

Abby and Daniel seemed a bit nervous at first...

...but then seemed to settle in. Abby did a fine job reading her part about our synod's connections to Columbia.

She LOVED singing the songs.

Daniel (and those crazy Minnesotan Lutheran shepherds behind him) enjoyed singing Go Tell it on the Mountain.

When the performance was over, Abby and her fellow angels finally smiled!

And Daniel and Abby posed for a photo after eating cookies and candy canes.