Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Tea Party Invades our Family

This morning Abby came into our room excited that the tooth fairy had brought her Pokemon cards. She said this was her favorite gift thus far. She said, "I like that I don't have to pay taxes for it."

(The night before, the tooth fairy had left her $5. She liked finding the money under her pillow, but was concerned that the tooth fairy didn't give her enough money to cover taxes.)

I immediately launched into an explanation of how wonderful taxes are and listed great things that taxes pay for -- schools, roads, nutrition assistance for low-income people, etc... I told Abby that I like to pay taxes.

Will thought this was all rather amusing and shared his own list of things that taxes pay for -- things like, "the war on terror" (this was said with a bit of a Texas drawl, of course).

And all of this at 6:45 AM before coffee! All I can say is,  if I see the girl forming a militia, I'm out of here!!!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010

Tooth Number Four

Recently, Abby has really wanted to lose a tooth at school. If you lose your tooth at school, you get to go to the nurse's office and get a treasure box to put the tooth in. Apparently, it's something that happens frequently in first grade.

Take for example, Abby's classmate Bryson. According to Abby, "Bryson is famous for losing teeth at school!" Of the nine that Bryson has lost, Abby thinks eight of them have been lost at school.

Well, Abby's dream came true today. For the last couple of weeks one of Abby's front teeth has been dangling ever so precariously from her gum. Today I went to pick her up and as I was talking with some other moms, Abby went off to play with her friends. All of a sudden I saw her coming toward me with blood on her hands and her mouth. Her friend Nora was on one side and her friend Emory on the other. The girls had their arms around Abby and everyone was talking at once. Apparently, the girls were playing on the bike rack and Nora accidentally pushed Abby. She fell forward and hit her mouth. She started to cry. And then, she "tasted all of this blood" in her mouth and then looked in her hand and "saw this little white tooth!"

What excitement!! The girls insisted we go to the nurse's office. The nurse had already left for the day, but Abby, Emory and Nora made themselves right at home. Nora and Emory thought Abby should sit and rest on the bed. But I insisted that we first clean up some of the blood. Once we'd taken care of that, Abby was determined to get her treasure box with or without Nurse Alice. Abby marched out to the secretary's desk (Nora and Emory dutifully marching behind) and explained the situation. The location of the treasure boxes was disclosed and the girls debated what color Abby should choose. (She went for the green box.)

The girls then returned to the bike rack to see if they could spot any blood

We expect tooth number five to be lost soon. The fall not only knocked out number four, but it pushed number five way out of place!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

It's Legal!

It's official!!! This morning we finalized Daniel's adoption! Here are a few pictures and I'll add stories later today. Now we are off to celebrate!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Will takes Abby and Daniel to school Tuesday mornings. This morning Will sent these cute pictures of the bulletin board outside Daniel's classroom.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Eggs, Pokemon Cards, Carrots and Spinach

Will and Abby had to wait for the eggs to cool before they could dye them. So, they read some Harry Potter and then decided to trade Pokemon cards!
And as they do every year, they mixed all of the colors at the end and made the ugly egg!!

Before going to bed, Abby left a plate of organic spinach and carrots out for the Easter Bunny!

Finally Two Smiling Children in the Same Photo!

I find it nearly impossible to get a good picture of both Abby and Daniel in the same frame! By the time I took these photos tonight, Abby, Daniel and I were all grumpy!! (But, I think the photos are pretty good!)

Dancing Stott Children

Abby and Daniel had such a wonderful time dancing tonight to the Carolina Chocolate Drops. I got a little dizzy just watching them!