Sunday, July 19, 2009


Today Abby is five. Tomorrow Abby will be six. In celebration of her last day being five, the Stotts came up with the following five cool things that happened when Abby was five:
  1. Abby became a big sister (and a great big sister, at that)!
  2. Abby traveled internationally for the first time.
  3. Abby learned to read.
  4. Abby lost her first tooth.
  5. Abby graduated from Montessori.
(Abby is not doing "jazz hands!" She's actually informing the viewer that she is still five!)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

First Steps and New Words

Tonight Daniel took his first steps -- three to be exact -- and he took them as he walked into Abby's outstretched arms. We were so excited. Abby celebrated by accidentally dropping Daniel on the floor. He wasn't amused and refused to take any additional steps!

Last night Daniel added "more" to his vocabulary. When he wants more food, he says "mo!" It's rather cute! He also has recently started saying kitty and peek (for peek-a-boo). Both are said in a really high-pitched voice that makes us laugh every time!

He's a great baby!!