Sunday, May 31, 2009


Yesterday we got a babysitter for Daniel, and Will and I took Abby to see the new Disney/Pixar movie Up. It was WONDERFUL (and this from someone who never used to like animation).

This morning Abby, Daniel and I got up early and spent the morning outside. (It was a GORGEOUS day today.) We acted out the movie (well, I sat in my chair and drank coffee and pretended to be a grumpy old man -- not much of a surprise, but I'm very good at that particular role) and had a great time. 

Abby finally set her house down beside the enchanted apple tree (located somewhere in South America).

If these pictures make no sense to you, you really should go see the movie. You might even cry (I did twice)!

A funny end note to this story -- when we came home today after being away for several hours, we found the tent on its side by our fence. Our neighbor Truda explained that the tent took flight and landed in her yard today. She said it was a real sight to see!

Tooth, Thread, and a Doorknob

Abby's grandmothers (Grandma and Noni) both recommended that she tie a string around her loose tooth and a doorknob and shut the door. Well, Abby really wanted to try this. She insisted that we use white thread. We've tried several nights in a row, but the tooth just doesn't want to budge. (Or perhaps I simply don't know how to tie a piece of thread around a really little tooth!


Oh, peonies are perfect! If their could only be a scent widget, this post would be heavenly!
Our previous house had tons of AMAZING peonies. We'd fill our house with them. Our current house only has this one peony bush, so I can't bring myself to cut them off. But Abby and I go up and sniff them at least once a day!


Tonight as we were eating dinner, Abby yelled, "LOOK AT DANIEL!"

We turned and this is what we saw...

Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

I'm never entirely certain how much food actually makes its way into Daniel's mouth.

Monday, May 25, 2009


A couple months ago, Abby's dentist told her that some time this spring two of her teeth would fall out. Well, that time is getting closer and closer!! Abby was talking to me today and I noticed that her front tooth had shifted.

She is absolutely excited! Tonight as we were talking before she went to bed I told her to wiggle her tooth. It moved A LOT! She grinned and squealed, "I LOVE IT!"

She asked me to try to pull it, but when I tried, I freaked out! Hopefully, it will come out on its own! I'm not certain I'll be able to assist!

Abby thinks it is rather great that her teeth are falling out as Daniel's are coming in! Daniel currently is working on at least four new teeth!

Friday, May 22, 2009

A Full Lap

There's nothing quite like reading to a Daniel, an Abby and a leopard!

An Apple Tree for Abby

Abby's birthday is still two months away, but that didn't stop her from asking Grandma and Grandpa Engelhardt to get her an apple tree as a birthday gift. And because they are extremely efficient, they've already planted her tree! By her birthday, it will be well on its way! Abby plans on "sitting underneath the apple tree and reading books and eating apples."

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Our Sweet Sick Baby

Daniel has been a little fussy in the last couple of days. And by a little, I really do mean a little. He remains a really sweet-tempered little boy. Today his eyes were really gunky and red and swollen. I took him to his pediatrician and was told he has a double ear infection. He's on antibiotics and Tylenol for the pain.

But even with all of this, he still manages to smile at us!


Abby is a card shark. Given her two ruthless card playing grandmothers, the poor girl doesn't have a chance to fight it.
This means I too often bear the brunt of her sharkiness. She gloats -- a trait that I think is rather unbecoming of an almost six-year-old.

I'm rather suspicious of the child. I make her cut the deck, and I think the next time we play I won't allow her to wear long sleeves.

But, every now and then I do manage to win a game or two. Abby doesn't like this of course, but I'm attempting to help her be humble.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Gotta Love a Pair of Well-Worn Jeans and an Old T-Shirt

Daniel has received some pretty great hand-me-downs, including these great jeans and t-shirt!


Abby is becoming a great little reader. Tonight she brought home a book that she has been practicing reading at school and read it to Daniel. Daniel enjoyed the story about Tim, a boy who feels sad when his pal moves away in a van. Luckily for Tim, a van pulls up with a new pal.Daniel really wants to be like his big sister, so while she was in school today, he practiced his reading skills as well. Do you think the child is vain? He insists on reading this book and this book only!

The Rocking Horse

Abby always wanted a rocking horse and Daniel got one. Hmmm! You can see how that might be a problem. The solution, a rocking horse with a very strong back!

Korean Princess Ballerina

Abby was invited to a birthday party this past Saturday. The theme of the party was princess/ballerina. Abby wanted to wear her hanbok and go as a Korean princess ballerina. She looked beautiful and had a lovely time.

Racing Down the Hallway

Abby and Daphne still love racing down the hallway. And now Daniel does his best to join the chase!
But more often than not, he just gets left in the dust.